Tuesday, December 5, 2017

some information about Vlad, 4K9W

It's been a long time since I made a post here, sorry.

The reason is just that almost nothing changed with his situation over the past two years.

So that are good news as we are still able to support Vlad with the needed 24x7 caretaker. We have entered now the 10th year of support and his caretaker Valya is still with him and supports Vlad the needed way. I would never think that this is possible when we started this project of long time support in 2008.

Of course this was and is possible only because of those few long time supporters who are in this project for many years and several people who decided to help with a bigger amount.
But also those many hamradio operators who decided to support Vlad with smaller donations over the years have of course their valuable share in over 9 years of monthly support.

On the radio site I can report that after several longer time problems with the transceiver used and lately with his antenna the problems are solved now (luckly before the winter starts) and Vlad is active with a better signal on all main bands again. So he could join the WW CW crowd and make over 340 QSOs S&P. Unfortunatly his finger problems don't allow him to run pile ups on CQ these days as he was used to do a few years ago.

Vlad is happy to have his simple station (100 watts into a 84m long wire and slooper for 12m) working again so he's able to make some QSOs every day and work some DX too.

Many thanks again to all supporters, who helped and especially those who continue to help every month!

Have a pleasant Christmas time,

Axel Schernikau, DL6KVA