During the past two weeks while the information about Vlad's current situation was being spread among many hams worldwide (thanks to all who helped) using the MM0NDX news page, 425 DX News, www.qrz.ru and several local forums and reflectors (especially in Italy and some local contest reflectors in USA), we got a lot of feedback and support for the project (the list already includes 260 radio amateurs / clubs / individuals).
Thus already today we can say:
The needed care for Vlad is now assured for the next 2 years and he'll keep being on the air!
Many thanks to all who contributed that quickly to achieve this goal and showed that ham spirit is alive!
Some information from Vlad, 4K9W:
First of all, he wants to thank all those who supported him in this really difficult situation.
The woman who took over the care for him after the death of his mother already did a lot of work for him in past weeks which his mother was not able to do anymore because of her age.
Judging from Vlad's information, I'm sure he's very satisfied how the situation developed, knowing that care is assured for the next 2 years at least and he hopes that this woman will continue to take care of him for a long time.
All necessary steps for the monthly money transfer are now set. The support received until now will be stored for him here in Germany, to make sure it will be solely used for the caretaking purpose, especially in the case where the woman decides to quit. The payment will be sent directly to the woman on a monthly basis by the end of each month.
So, if at some point, we need to find another caretaker, we don't lose any of the received support.
Currently, it is not necessary to arrange for regular support from a group of people although I'm sure that will be the best way to assure continuous help in the future, when the support received until now is used up.
So, what I would like to suggest is, that if You want to support on a regular basis or with a larger amount, to contact me beforehand so we can check the current situation and find the best way. I would prefer to come back to such support at a later time (if possible; we know, everything can change) to make better use of such support for both sides.
If You want to support with smaller donations just keep in mind that this will be no problem, of course.
For any further question, please contact me directly.
Many thanks again to all HAMs and clubs who joined in that quickly and showed a great support for Vlad, 4K9W.
Please consider to check back as the situation may change again in 1-2 years time.
Axel Schernikau, DL6KVA
17th December 2008
Axel.Schernikau@siv.de or dl6kva@darc.de
What was not expected has unfortunately happened which has brought Vlad, 4K9W, into a personally very difficult situation. Certainly many DXer's do not know that Vlad, whom I know for over 20 years, is an invalid for over 30 years, has been bed ridden. Due to this fact he is naturally constantly dependant of respite care.
Now for already 4 weeks, Vlad's mother, who until now took care of Vlad, is dead. So now Vlad is alone without other relatives. At present, his friends and acquaintances from the neighborhood support him. However it is necessary to find a constant home care for him. If this is not possible from own means then the State will be compelled to move Vlad into a home for severely disabled persons in order to guarantee him minimum care to survive.
That would, however, also mean that Vlad, with unsurpassed optimism and joy for life would no longer enjoy different facets of his life: Amateur radio (almost QRV daily and along with CW and SSB also on PSK and RTTY for over a year now), communicating with friends for many years on Amateur radio airwaves, participating in contesting, and also on the internet. It is also expected that Vlad won't be able to take his very large QSL collection with him.
Alone in electronic form there are over 164,000 QSO's logged since the beginning of the 90's.
In the past few days, Vlad and his friends tried to find out how much with certainty his care would cost. The frightening result is that in Baku and the greater area, the cost would be $500-$800 monthly. To complicate matters, Vlad, where he lives, is about 30 km from the town center. However, invalidity pension (of highest classification) that he receives only amounts to $140 from which he must naturally also live (meals, clothes, electricity, and everything else needed).
Last week Vlad arranged an agreement with a woman who lives nearby and was known by him before to take the care duties for about $350.
Hopefully she'll be able and ready to do it for a long time.
The complexity of the problem is that Vlad needs montly assistance and the above costs accumulate each month. In principle one could say that this isn't so difficult. For approximately 20 helpful radio amateurs that would mean about $20 per month each. I will try to help him as much as I can, like I always did during all the years but $350 on a monthly basis are too much for me too.
Therefor, on behalf of Vlad, 4K9W, I make a call to all to whom his situation matters, to support this project that will keep him active on amateur radio. The most important part of the project is to help support his continued health needs. Naturally are we thankful to one time donors also.
Organization for relief to Vlad is planned so that money collected will go directly to the care givers. Thus, it is guaranteed that the support is used for his care by the health providers.
I fear that we will soon not hear 4K9W on the air without such support, and without such support he soon looses vital interest in life, even though his life over the past 30 years wasn't the best. For his willpower and desire to live, with over 20 years as his friend, I'm impressed.
The translation in other languages and forward to other mail-lists is requested and permitted. A copy would also be nice.
Axel Schernikau, DL6KVA
(Axel.Schernikau@siv.de or dl6kva@darc.de)